Carole Gerber has worked as a high school and middle school English teacher, an adjunct professor of journalism at Ohio State, a marketing director, editor of a company magazine, a member of creative teams at an ad agency and a hospital, a contributing editor to a computer magazine, and - finally! - as a writer of picture books, chapter books, elementary textbooks, magazine articles, speeches, annual reports, and patient education materials with such scintillating titles as Your Heart!/Your Lungs!/Your Prostate!. Winter Trees, a picture book walk through the snowy woods, was selected as a 2009 Outstanding Trade Book by the National Science Association and the Children's Book Council.
Besides being a "Jill" of many trades - or more precisely - one trade (writing) with many incarnations, she is also the wife of Mark, the mother of two grown daughters, Jess and Paige, and "Mimi" to Sara and Tyler, Paige's children. She sponsors several children through World Vision, a Christian relief organization that provides health care, food and education. Their names are Safiqul Islam, Peter Molsom, Jepkoech Kiptui, Claudia Navilla Azpeti, Novinda Mulyadi, and Liang Wei Ma.
Carole holds a B.S. in English education and an M.A. in journalism from Ohio State. She enjoys sharing her books with children through the Greater Columbus Arts Council Artists in Schools program. In her free time, she likes to garden (her enthusiasm dwindles as summer progresses); read (mostly for her own pleasure and edification; she also belongs to two chatty book discussion groups); travel (to learn about other countries and cultures); and practice yoga (which, like writing, is humbling, challenging and self-instructive.)
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Books by Carole Gerber