Cindy Neuschwander is a native Californian born in San Diego, but she has lived in many places, including Germany, England, Austria, and Hawaii. She received a BA in international studies from Willamette University and an MA in education from Stanford University. She has been teaching since 1975, both at the high school and elementary levels.
As a mathematics education specialist, Cindy sought ways to make math fun, interesting, and comprehensible to her students. In 1992, while living in England, Cindy began working on her first book with this goal in mind. Sir Cumference and the First Round Table took five years to reach publication, but it remains a very popular book for its presentation of math concepts as well as for its amusing and exciting story. It has been followed by further adventures of Sir Cumference and his family, including Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi, Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland, Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone, and Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter.
Cindy speaks at conferences often about writing, mathematics, and being an author. In her spare time, when she isn't writing or dreaming up new math adventures, Cindy enjoys activities with her family. The entire Neuschwander clan has spent time on five of the earth's seven continents. Only Australia and Antarctica remain to be visited. Cindy lives in California with her husband and two sons.
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